Den finske landslagsløperen Elias Kuukka fra Tampere tok den 11. juli kontakt med Sørreisa O-lag med spørsmål om å få kjøpe kart. Han skrev blant annet følgende på e-post til oss:
My name is Elias Kuukka and I am national team orienteer from Tampere, Finland and Tampereen Pyrintö. We are planning together with my brother Anton and his girlfriend Enni Jalava to come to the Sørreisa area to train next week and we would like to buy some maps.
Dette responderte vi selvsagt umiddelbart positivt på, og foreslo også at de kunne bruke O-hytta som base. Dette slo de til på, og ble kjempefornøyde på alle måter. Med terreng og natur, med kart, med opphold på O-hytta.
Under følger hva de skriver til oss etter sitt opphold på O-hytta.
Tropical training camp in orienteering paradise at O-Hytta 20.-25.7.2024
It was an ordinary evening when Elias was doing his evening training in Niihama marsh in Kauppi forest next to Tampere. He found out that his sore achilles is pain free when running on a very soft surface and understood right away that Troms fylke is the place where he should go now. It’s an area with countless beautiful maps and terrains where the ground is nice and soft but orienteering is still technical.
Like the blink of an eye, the hospitable members of Sørreisa O-Lag arranged the maps and accommodation in O-Hytta. Elias called Anton and Enni and they were in this plan right away, as they knew some of the maps beforehand and could not resist hard orienteering training in super nice terrains.
We spent five wonderful days in O-Hytta and it was great to experience traditional Norwegian style off-grid cottage life with evening swims in Björnhaugvatnet, breakfasts on terrace with a view towards Middagsfjellet and many nice orienteering sessions from O-Hytta on the maps called Vendigselva, Farfarhaugen and Krokvatnet. It was enjoyable to run on the fast slope-marshes which were full of multebær which were just ready to pick. It was also nice to chat with hikers when they stopped at O-Hytta. Everyone was seemingly really happy that they had found time to spend it in nature. Elias did a cycling trip to Dyrøya and Enni and Anton ran up to Middagsfjället to see the stunning view towards Reisafjorden.
The grand final of the camp was the visit for Eli and Ivar Helgesen. It was a wonderful discussion about orienteering, maps and life in general with ice cream and home-made lemonade. That was the perfect way to end the camp and start traveling towards home.
We want to thank all the hospitable members of Sørreisa O-Lag and we welcome you to test terrains and maps in Tampere!
Elias Kuukka, Anton Kuukka & Enni Jalava
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